Thursday, June 7, 2007

No news is good news...

or that is what I hear from climbers. I've been reading posts from guided climbs on Denali and several teams have been sitting at the 14,000 foot camp for a week due to high winds and heavy snow (but at 14,000 they have cell service). They expect it to break soon, which is good news for our group as they aren't scheduled to hit 14,000 until the 10th or 11th I think. Positive thoughts that they will find a good weather window. I know they appreciate everyone checking in as you all are. Again, I know not much about mountain climbing but learning VERY quickly. Until next time...

and for our friend Greg, who clearly I have never met in person, I am Chuck's wife...


Anonymous said...

Hi Kerry,

Thanks for the update, this is such a cool site. What other climb would have a website like this??? How fortunate it is that we can get updates from them! It looks like the weather is clearing, and setting them up for a great climb. Looking forward to hearing more from the group.
Shannon (Jim's Super Cool Friend)

Anonymous said...

I want to know if there are any mice or small rodents for me to play with?

Come back soon, Jim. Kristy is not giving me any people food.

From Julio (The cat who owns Jim and Kristy)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the news, Kerry. Am eating some Trader Joe's "Inca Chips"--a favorite of Shawn's and mine while on the trail. Am really liking this site and looking forward to some news at 14K. It does sound like it's setting up well for them.


konewko said...
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konewko said...

I'm Keith's assistant and he gave me a link to this site before he left for the Big Adventure. Thanks for keeping us all posted.

And I know you all with find this shocking, but Keith is the greatest boss ever. Hands down.

Hoping the weather clears and hoping for 14,000 news.

John Feit said...


We're old climbing friends of Kari's.

This website is a treasure. Now we can get the latest on the trip.

BEST OF LUCK! Keep blogging - love to get photos as you go.

Emiko and John

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. This really is a great website. I am the other Kari's sister. Sounds like the weather may be cooperating. Looking forward to future updates.